• optional kit

Il modello 4.0 4WD Deluxe si caratterizza per l’estrema modularità unita alla potenza delle 4 ruote motrici. Il robot racchiude in sé tutti i plus della linea 4.0: flessibilità, potenza, taglio uniforme e preciso anche su superfici ad alto grado di irregolarità; arricchendosi della capacità di gestire anche terreni molto scoscesi, con erba asciutta o bagnata, grazie alle 4 ruote motrici abbinate alle potenti batterie litio-ioni.

Il modulo ZCS Connect, di serie all’interno della APP Ambrogio Remote, fa si che il robot sia sempre gestibile, anche da remoto, permetta la localizzazione GPS, le notifiche sulle anomalie, antifurto e l’integrazione con gli assistenti vocali (Smart Home). Un concentrato di potenza in grado di lavorare ininterrottamente per quasi 4 ore in condizioni estreme.

Ambrogio 4.0 4WD Deluxe

Flexibility and technology, at the highest level.

Working area

1200 m2

Perimeter wire








Cutting Height Adjustment


PREMIUM Power Unit

Working area: 1800 m2

Charge: Contact

Working time: 03:15h

Battery: 1x10,35 Ah


Working area: 1800 m2

Charge: Inductive

Working time: 03:15h

Battery: 1x10,35 Ah

Terreni irregolari web

Uneven Terrains

4 ruote motrici web

4 driving wheels

Pendenze bianco web

Slopes up to 60%

4.0 4WD Deluxe

  • 4-point star blade with a diameter of 25 cm
  • It can work on slopes of up to 60%
  • 3 different types of power units to choose from
  • Motorised blade adjustment
  • Touchscreen display


Technical datasheet

  MEDIUM Power Unit PREMIUM Power Unit EXTRA PREMIUM Power Unit
Motor type BrushlessBrushlessBrushless
Allowable slope (%) 60%60%60%
Maximum slope (%) 55%55%55%
Slope on outer edge or perimeter wire (%) 55%55%55%

Blade type 4-point start
Cutting width [cm] 25
Cutting height (min-max) [mm] 30-75
Cutting Height Adjustment Motorized
Spiral cutting method Yes
SDM" cutting method Yes
Pre-Set Path cutting method -
+ Infinity" cutting method Yes
Self-levelling traction Yes
Eco mode Yes
Rain sensor Yes
Drop off sensor No
Ultrasound obstacol detection No
AI grass sensor -
Virtual Areas 8
Lawn areas that can be managed including the main one 8

User interface Touch display
Control APP Bluetooth
Bluetooth receiver Yes
GPS-GSM remote control (ZCS Connect) Yes
Integration with "Smart Assistant" voice assistants Yes
AMICO On request
ZDefence No

Security PIN PIN and Geofence

  MEDIUM Power Unit PREMIUM Power Unit EXTRA PREMIUM Power Unit
Robot dimensions (lxwxh) 474x695x358 mm 474x695x358 mm 474x695x358 mm
Wheel profile Flex rubberFlex rubberFlex rubber
Noise level [dB(A)] 636363
Protection rating IPx5IPx5IPx5
Maximum cutting surface [m²] (-20%)* 1200 m2 1800 m2 1800 m2
Lithium-Ion battery (25.9V) 6.9Ah-173Wh10.35Ah-260Wh10.35Ah-260Wh
Quantity of batteries 1x6,9 Ah1x10,35 Ah1x10,35 Ah
Average working time [h](+-20%) 02:1503:1503:15
Charging mode AutomaticAutomaticAutomatic
Charging type Contact Contact Inductive
Battery Chargers 5A-150W8A-235W8A-235W
Robot weight - incl. batteries [kg] 15,5 15,5 15,8

Standard equipment

  • Fixing pegs (20 pcs)
  • Charging station
  • User manual

Documentation & Video Tutorials

Other information
4.0 4WD Deluxe

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4.0 4WD Deluxe

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